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Analog fur OSX

Analog is a popular logfile analysis program. The idea is to get answers to questions like "who's been looking at my website this week?" This is another port of the unix version to Mac OSX, as I'm not dead keen on the official one. This one doesn't upport a Macintosh style user interface, drag & drop, or the Analog form cgi. Configuration is done in the analog.cfg file. (Which is a very unix way of doing things.) See the Readme.html file in the docs folder for more information on the settings. Default logfiles are from local apache installation at /var/log/httpd/access_log* .

dmg Analog.dmg

You are interested in web traffic to Apache running on localhost?

$Id: analog.html,v 1.8 2006/01/30 16:24:38 johnsmith Exp $
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